Labels:audio cd | bed | box | cabinet | cd rom | door | earth | fence | house | monitor | person | plaything | poster | railing | traffic light OCR: kidspiration' Version The visual way to think, write and comprehend Version 2 Windows Macintosh Inspiration Software* Inc 503-297-3004 2000 2004 Hnspiration Software and its ticensors All rights reserved. Inspiration Software and Kidspiration registered trademarks and the Kidspirafion desion 1mark is a a trademar of Inspiratron Software Portlons Copyright @1991 199 Halcyon Sottwart All rights rese The Sentr Spelling-Checker Engine Copyright 1993 1998 Wintertree Software Inc GIF-LZW is licensed under U.S Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreigr counterparts from Unisys prehend Windowse Chacker Copyrigh Urisys